a silver quarter


I give you a brief break from Gabriola rocks to tell you about curiosity and an unusual looking Canadian silver quarter which I found in the pile of change on husband’s dresser. On one side it has three figures that look like native petroglyphs, dated February 1999 Fevrier… and you know my love of petroglyphs.

Wikipedia tells me it is one of the Millenium quarters. This one is designed by Lonnie Springer and called ‘Etched in Stone”. No image was given there but I found one here and have borrowed it above. (My scan was lousy.)

This supposed-to-be-just-a-quick search then sent me looking into my archives for my posts about Writing-on-Stone Provincial Park in Alberta where we’d seen a few petroglyphs similar to these on the coin. I still want to go back there and see the others we missed!

See how I can get distracted and “waste time”? Not this time, I say, for I love these sudden little finds and connections, and how I’m reminded again about looking very closely even at supposedly ordinary coins. No, I’m not a coin collector though I’ve occasionally saved the odd special one, now including this one.

Back to spring cleaning – company’s coming!

May 21, 2011 in Being an Artist, Canada and BC, Rock Art & Archaeology by Marja-Leena