Wishing calmness and serenity to friends in emotional turmoil.
Though I know them only virtually, I’m surprised how much I feel their pain.
July 31, 2008 in Blogging, Nature, Photoworks by Marja-Leena
Wishing calmness and serenity to friends in emotional turmoil.
Though I know them only virtually, I’m surprised how much I feel their pain.
July 31, 2008 in Blogging, Nature, Photoworks by Marja-Leena
© Marja-Leena Rathje 2004-2025
What a lovely offering…. and I “third” Lucy.
Flowers accompanied by a generous spirit. Thanks for a typical trans-continental gesture.
Thanks too for the reminder about virtual friendships. For each other we may exist in the fourth-dimension but it’s a very important existence if it allows us to sense another’s pain. Or happiness or creativity.
Thanks, Lucy and Maria, for joining in!
Thank you for your very generous comment, Barrett! Blogging, emailing and online communities have really replaced the old pen pal friendships of the past, haven’t they?
If only there was a way to hand write online letters to friends! But I suspect I’d be writing all day then. How did people like Gandhi and Hemingway do it before computers?
Hi Miguel, I’m so happy you dropped by. How about scanning the hand-written letter? A challenge to show the whole page large enough to read, but maybe sections? It’s so rare to receive hand-written letters nowadays, isn’t it? My hand-writing has become atrocious when I write more than a few lines now. Wouldn’t it be lovely to do calligraphy?