sensuous rocks
Still sorting through photos of our little Gabriola vacation, I’m enjoying revisiting the excitement of many discoveries. Each beach we visited had amazing rock formations, with some similarities in their rough weathered hole-y textures, common also on Hornby Island, but with some differences as well. Who would have thought rock can be also be sensuous and almost silky looking, like the folds of human flesh? The marble sculptures of Michelangelo and Bernini come to mind, with Nature as sculptor. And look at those colours! These shown here are on the beach below Berry Point Road at the point where the historic Entrance Island Lighthouse can be seen, the sight of which for me became greatly eclipsed by these amazing rocks.
June 8, 2011 in Canada and BC, Photoworks, Rocks, Textures, Travel by Marja-Leena
closet geologist x
Elisa: cheeky!
Quite remarkable rock weathering. So much depends on the flow of water, weather, the wind, and to imagine it must have taken thousands of years, if not more, to effect this shape, contours, and feel to the rock.
These are very carnal rocks. The second looks rather like a well-toned older person’s midriff.
Mud baths, set in stone.
Beautiful and strangely soft looking.. but I know they’re firm to the touch. You’re right that the colours are beautifully subtle.
Anil, yes to all that! It is indeed remarkable, and awe-inspiring as well.
Lucy, you said carnal, I didn’t, but okay, I agree.
Zhoen, that could be very well true because of volcanic action thousands of years ago.
Susan, glad you think so too.
More interesting ones–that first looks like something being born from the rock. But I think my favorite is the last. I like the horizontal seam with the small masses below and the huge one above.
Marly, I’m glad you like these.