opening night


Here are just a few photos of the opening of Silent Messengers, my exhibition of mixed media prints which opened on Wednesday evening, November 16th. (I’m the one in the red shirt!) Though many friends did not make it that night, there were quite a few nice surprises amongst those who did. It was exciting to meet in person several people whom I’d met through my blog like Jason, and blogger Jill with Nola, and Linda and Brian who gave me a tiny book Petroglyphs of Quadra Island by Joy Inglis, a reprint of part of The Spirit in the Stone. That book, that is my post on it, was how they found my blog and wrote me about their own visits to the petroglyphs, so thank you for that special gift and for your presence that night!!

It was also great to see Michael Boxall, former editor of Arts Alive, who had done a fabulous interview of Bonnie Jordan and me about our show that was going to Finland back in 2002. He spent a long time looking at the group Silent Messengers: Connecting with D’Amico #1-5, saying those were his favourites.

Thank you everyone for all the great questions and conversations about my work and the very positive feedback. A special thank you to Peter, a fellow artist, for helping me install my work earlier that day. As I wrote earlier it was a very exciting day in more ways than just this opening!

I know these photos don’t show much of my work at all, but I will post some installation shots soon, though I will have to reshoot some of them later.

By the way, if you are in the Vancouver area, haven’t yet seen the show yet and would like to visit it, the exhibition continues to December 7th. If need be, I may be able to open the gallery outside the posted hours if you let me know by email.

November 21, 2005 in Being an Artist, Recent Exhibitions, Silent Messengers by Marja-Leena