lost & found



It’s been a most glorious Easter weekend weatherwise and we really have deserved it. Over just these few days I have been astonished by the huge burst of new growth, of fresh green leaves on shrubs and the magnolia buds now revealing their fat white tips above their grey furry sheaths. I’ve been truly enjoying puttering about in the garden. You say you want to see more flower photos?

Oh, but the amateur archaeologist in me was quite tickled to find this strange rust and dirt encrusted metal object when cleaning leaves along the back fence. I wonder what it is*, how long it’s been there, and who lost it? Anyway, I’ve had fun scanning it and adding it to my collection of images of strange and often rusty found objects, such as this one and another one.

*Husband tells me it is a bike wrench.

April 8, 2012 in Found Objects, Photoworks, Textures by Marja-Leena