Hornby’s driftwood
salt and sun bleached beached tree,
roots like twisted tentacles
squeezing blue green rocks in captivity
November 25, 2009 in Canada and BC, Nature, Photoworks by Marja-Leena
salt and sun bleached beached tree,
roots like twisted tentacles
squeezing blue green rocks in captivity
November 25, 2009 in Canada and BC, Nature, Photoworks by Marja-Leena
© Marja-Leena Rathje 2004-2025
I see all kinds of faces in those pictures.
Oh, how weird to see trees roots around those boulders. I guess if you’re planted in such an inhospitable environment, you do what you can to hold on!
Hattie, me too!
Leslee, yes, think of them hanging on to rocky mountainsides. I’m always amazed at that.
R, you sent me off googling then wandering for far too long in Tolkien’s Middle Earth, and pretending to be a tiny creature living amongst those roots and rocks. 🙂
Oh yes, I could spend hours finding all the tiny people and strange creatures in those formations. I’m guessing you took hours getting just the right shots – or perhaps you kept snapping and sorted through them once you were home and comfortable?
Susan, thanks, glad you enjoyed these. There was such a great wealth of great images, mostly rocks of course, to photograph in those few wonderful days on Hornby Island that I did spend a lot of time doing it. Mostly steadily and fairly quickly, then sorting later. If I’d had more time, I’d have taken even more care but I’m actually pleased with most of them. I usually do only a little adjusting of levels and sometimes cropping for uploading here. I guess I’ve gotten fairly experienced with this type of digital picture taking and photoshopping over the years but still feel I could learn so much more. I’m going to bore everyone with so many of these photos to show! And, you know, blogging has been such a great way for me to show off my photos and to receive such great encouragement to take more, thanks to everyone’s positive comments!
“bore everyone” you write. Ei jei, jei jei jei jei jei! Marja-Leena! Nothing could be further from the truth.
Have you seen the “new” Tolkien book? The title is “The Legend of Sigurd and Gudrún.”
R – you’re being too kind. Er, jei jei jei? Is that Entish? Ei ei ei, would be Finnish for no, no, no. I know Tolkien studied Finnish, amongst other languages, and used it in creating one of his languages for Lord of the Rings, Quenya. Oh, and no, I didn’t know of that book, have you read it?
I’m smiling as I realize that Ei jei jei is my family’s lingo for “what are you saying there! It’s not true!” and of course depending on the depth of the emotion, more jei’s can be added as deemed necessary.
I think you might like the new volume edited by Tolkien’s son. I read it soon after it appeared in the bookstores. It’s the Lay of the Völsungs in verse!
R, really, that is funny!? Do you say it like the English for ‘a’ or like ‘aye’? The Finnish is more like the former. And that book is now on my library wish list, thanks!
like aye. Amazing though how close the Finnish is.
You’ll really like the book I wager!
R, wow, yes, it’s really close, just like the Finnish ‘ai, ai, ai’ which is more an expression of upset, pain or worry. I should have remembered the German ‘ei’ sound but got misled by the ‘j’ and thinking Entish 🙂
Interesting to read the comments too. I’ve never had much interest in Tolkien books other than the ones completed by JRR himself but I’m intrigued by this.
Yes, the very nice and surprising thing for me has been the interest in my work. It’s made me interested all over again and so have the rare and beautiful blogs like your own.
Susan, I’ll admit I didn’t read Tolkien’s books until in my 40’s, I think, and it took me a long time to get through them though I enjoyed them. I used to be real bookworm in my youth but became a slow reader upon becoming a parent, homemaker, renovator etc etc on top of trying to keep up my art work. It was the lack of large enough blocks of time to get deep into such books, I guess. But now, without so many of those excuses, I still have piles of unread books and sometimes library books get sent back unfinished, sigh. The ‘net is another distraction, sigh again. But I do love blogging and the rewards of connections and friendships, I’m nearing six years.