Jean! How wonderful to have you stop by! I miss you and your blog, and your beautiful photos which are very much about light, shadows, patterns, reflections…
Thank you, Susan! I really didn’t have to do much composing for the scene was right in front of me as we were having lunch at our daughter’s. I was struck by the way the sunlight travelled through the glass of water and created this interesting shadow and pattern on the tabletop. Then daughter showed me the rock she’d picked up recently and I just put it on the table to see how it would look… and bingo! I only wished I’d had a camera, my best camera, with me but borrowed husband’s iPhone.
Isn’t it wonderful when something so amazing jumps out at you and you just must capture it?
I do look at things closely, perhaps even obsessively sometimes – isn’t that what makes an artist? Yes, the camera in that iPhone is very good. I recently got the same model but I’m still new to it and don’t always remember to take it along, while husband has it with him all the time.
Very nice. We have a lot of volcanic rocks around here, but there is a curse on them. Anyone who takes a rock away from the island will be plagued with bad luck.
We actually had a friend send some rocks back to us, because he was sure they had been the cause of the many misfortunes he had recently endured!
Jean! How wonderful to have you stop by! I miss you and your blog, and your beautiful photos which are very much about light, shadows, patterns, reflections…
Oooooh!! That’s really something.
Tom, I’m glad you like this. I thought you would be in surgery at this time….hope it is all going well.
Surgery complete. Recovery going better than before, after a very sore start.
Oh, excellent! And your vision is good enough to read blogs – wow! I’m so very pleased for you and thank you for being in touch.
Your composition of this photograph really is exquisite. You have a wonderful eye.
Thank you, Susan! I really didn’t have to do much composing for the scene was right in front of me as we were having lunch at our daughter’s. I was struck by the way the sunlight travelled through the glass of water and created this interesting shadow and pattern on the tabletop. Then daughter showed me the rock she’d picked up recently and I just put it on the table to see how it would look… and bingo! I only wished I’d had a camera, my best camera, with me but borrowed husband’s iPhone.
Isn’t it wonderful when something so amazing jumps out at you and you just must capture it?
It still took you being there to see it so clearly. Your husband’s iPhone did a better job than I would have expected one to do.
I do look at things closely, perhaps even obsessively sometimes – isn’t that what makes an artist? Yes, the camera in that iPhone is very good. I recently got the same model but I’m still new to it and don’t always remember to take it along, while husband has it with him all the time.
Oh, that is so lovely – both the image and spare words. All those shimmering reflections, wow.
Leslee, I’m so pleased you like this, thanks!
That turned out really cool, Mom!
Thanks, Erika! Just managed to get online at last – the internet is terrible here!
Very nice. We have a lot of volcanic rocks around here, but there is a curse on them. Anyone who takes a rock away from the island will be plagued with bad luck.
We actually had a friend send some rocks back to us, because he was sure they had been the cause of the many misfortunes he had recently endured!
Thanks, Hattie. Wow, that’s an awesome superstition – is it perhaps an ancient tribal belief?
Tell more!
This is a bit like the sand-and-reflection one in that it has lots of layers and interrupted reflection…
Marly, yes, that’s right – a great observation!