

… as in passionflower or passiflora! Such a sweet scent too. From a little play break with the scanner in the midst of a busy day in home and garden.

You may like to revisit the macro photos taken in 2010.







We are renovating a section of our garden next to the new wall/fence put up by the builders of the new home next door. With much sweat and brawn, husband dug up several stumps of trees that were cut down years ago but hidden under our laurel hedge which had just been removed by the workers next door.

I became interested in the photographic possibilties in the textures and shapes of the disintegrating wood and the roots. I’m glad I missed seeing the termites which quickly buried themselves deeper into the rotting wood as they emerged into daylight. I did see our resident crows investigating them with keen interest but unfortunately too late for a tasty meal.

Added Sunday, June 24th:
Today, as I was cutting up a dead shrub which had not survived a move last fall, I was struck by its gorgeous root formation. Then I recalled the beautiful filigrees of blood vessels and nerves in bodies, as I wrote some years ago about an exhibition called Body Worlds. Isn’t that an amazing similarity between humans and plants?! (Sorry, no photo as I was too busy to come in for the camera.)

last tulips


While deadheading the last of the tulips in the garden today, the dry crinkly petals and the still rich colour of these inspired some play with the scanner.

May flowers

a part of a larger flower cluster of choisya, Mexican orange, with a heavenly scent

a pretty wild creeper with tiny flowers and leaves that grows up rock walls and in the lawn, name unknown but much loved

the heart of a yellow rhododendron blossom

Yesterday’s glorious sunshine, after two dreary wet weeks, beckoned me to leave the studio and go outside. My garden is at its most beautiful this time of year so I took a few photos to share here – of nature’s art instead of mine. Then I repotted all my tomato plants to continue to grow in the solarium for a little longer. Today’s lovely too so you will find me in the garden….

red pepper




a double bell pepper! a pregnant pepper?

spring projects






– potting up tomato seedlings and rooted cuttings of flowers (and taking photos above), getting down close and personal with weeds in the garden

– moving everything out of our bedroom including ourselves, removing 27 year old carpet, painting walls and ceilings, lay down hardwoood flooring

– refreshing this and that in adjoining bathroom after 27 years of use

– found used large flat files at long last to store my prints! painting them when warm (?!) enough in the garage; another coat to cover the original black; rearrange studio to make room, then organize work into these…. hope to be inspired to get back to artmaking in my spring-cleaned studio!

Easter 2012





A very cold wet spring this year on Canada’s west/wet coast, with everything late in the garden. Despite the gloomy weather gods, longer days have brought forth bursts of green buds and colourful flowers. I’m so grateful for the rare sunny days, and especially this morning so I could capture a few flowers from outdoors and indoors to grace a festive Easter page here. And to wish everyone a Happy Easter weekend, or whatever you celebrate or not… with peace and joy. Thanks for your friendship!

hand with daisies


A few days ago we slipped out for a walk between showers
(such mixed cold weather this spring).

Spotted drifts of tiny English daisies in the grass, in the park,
white and yellow with tinged pink edges and darker pink undersides.

Picked a few and put them in my pocket, took them home,
to be scanned.


Ah, then this, suddenly a new piece for ‘the artist’s hand-with-objects’ series.

Read about the others here.
Seeing a possible print series in the future…

lenten rose





a break in the unspring-like monsoon-like Novemberish rain
an opportunity to take some macro photos of the hellebore
still not bright enough to capture sharper images

so this 2009 scan remains my favourite
which shall make a birthday card for a dear flower-loving friend in Denmark?

hand with peace lily


The last of the group of the hand-with-objects images originally created for qarrtsiluni’s worship issue.

The others in the series:
the artist’s hand with ammonite
the artist’s hand with kelp
the artist’s hand with stones
the artist’s hand with physalis

Related images (not for qarrtsiluni):
the artist’s hand with pen
the artist’s hand with heart

Added March 10th: While looking for something else in my archives, I found these photos of peace lily flowers in early to late stages of life.