long weekend

We all like our long weekends, and we are having one now with the first Monday in August being BC Day in British Columbia. I was curious to find out if all our provinces have such a provincially designated holiday (ie. not the national statutory ones like Christmas). Here’s what I learned from CanadaInfo:

The first Monday in August is holiday in most of the Provinces and Territories. What you will often find, however, is that its name changes from province to province, and even amongst different regions within a province. On calendars, it is generally labeled as “Civic Holiday” as not to be region specific. No matter what it is called, it is a much needed long weekend to augment the short Canadian summers.

The only other provinces designating it as a Province Day are New Brunswick and Saskatchewan. Manitoba, Nunavut and Northwest Territories call it a Civic Holiday, while Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island have Natal Day, and Alberta has Heritage Day. Ontario’s is designated as a municipal holiday with different names around the province. Quebec, Newfoundland/Labrador and the Yukon do not have a holiday on the first Monday of August but have other provincially designated holidays. Newfoundland and Labrador have six!

(Non-Canadian readers may find this map of provinces and territories of Canada of interest.)

So, after all these boring facts, you ask what are we doing this long weekend? After having had our floors refinished, we have now been vacuuming up the fine wood dust, patching walls and sanding wood window sills and trim, some of which have never been finished. After final sanding and vacuuming, we’ll paint the walls and ceilings, and varnish the wood! It’s hot and sticky so it’s early morning and evening shifts with afternoon siestas (or blogging)! It will look fresh and new again after fifteen years of family living!

Gotta go buy some more ceiling paint now! Hope you are having a great summer weekend!


the first coat

The domestic scene here has kept us very busy lately. We arranged to have the worn-down hardwood floors in the main living areas of our home refinished. In the end it will be lovely but it has been an incredible amount of work to remove all the furniture, the art work, the knick-knacks, the plants, and clean out the fridge – like moving house! Fortunately we’ve been able to settle into a space downstairs formerly occupied originally by my late parents. This entailed taking down linens, clothing, kitchen stuff, personal necessities, and computers of course!

A side benefit of all this work has been the clearing out of unnecessary and no longer used stuff, being the packrats we are! (Maybe that’s why many people move every four and a half years?) Once the floors are dry and hardened, we will take advantage of the cleared spaces and having to wash down everything but the floor anyway, by painting the ceilings and walls. So it will be a few weeks before we are back to living in our normal but freshly renewed spaces.

No, dear readers, there’s not much art being done, as usually happens in my summers with their various domestic and holiday distractions. My little studio is also inaccessible beyond those transforming floors, with no room to work in it anyway with the piles of books on the table and other household stuff on the floor! But I still have my Mac and can still blog now and then to satisfy the creative urge!

a long weekend


Looking back to last year’s entry of this diary, er blog, I see that I’ve already written about Canada’s Victoria Day long weekend, so if you are interested, do visit that post. This year it’s a wet long weekend here. After a very early and warm spring, even a heat wave in April, we’ve been having a spell of cool and very wet weather with heavy thundershowers battering flowers. That’s a rather typical pattern on the westcoast, though earlier this year.

Everything is very lush and overgrown in our garden now, calling for pruning, weeding and deadheading, and tying up rain flattened tall perennials. Yesterday we were able to work outside for a few hours before showers returned. Today, it’s an indoors day tidying up and cooking a dinner for good friends coming here for the evening. Tomorrow, if it rains we may head out for some shopping which we haven’t done for a long time. Back to the kitchen now!

a quiz

It’s been a busy week with family. Our oldest daughter, who has been living in the Interior since last fall, has been here this week on business. It was great having her here for our youngest daughter’s 20th birthday which we celebrated with all our family at a Thai restaurant. Today eldest took off for a conference in Winnipeg. I have just changed the linens for a sister-in-law who’s coming for this weekend. Tuesday night eldest returns for one night on her way home, so it feels like I’m running a bed-and-breakfast! Ah well, not to complain, I do enjoy seeing the family, but isn’t it funny how “when it rains, it pours?”

Since I had a few minutes to spare to wander the blogosphere, and maybe feeling a bit silly from cleaning fumes, I did this quiz , something I usually ignore because the results are usually meaningless. I rather like the results on this one, so decided to share the fun – try it!

You scored as Cultural Creative. Cultural Creatives are probably the newest group to enter this realm. You are a modern thinker who tends to shy away from organized religion but still feels as if there is something greater than ourselves. You are very spiritual, even if you are not religious. Life has a meaning outside of the rational.

Cultural Creative
















What is Your World View?
created with QuizFarm.com

Found at Fresh Paint

one of those days

Yesterday morning I met with friend W. to take slides of some of my past year’s work. Our group had arranged a slide shoot day in early April, setting up professional lights and equipment. Lots of work was shot, but time ran out for a few of us, including yours truly, whose work was there but whose body was in bed with bronchitis.

So today we set up the lights and equipment again but ran into delays searching for missing light reflectors and their connectors for the tripods. Duct tape, as usual, came to the rescue. The setting up and shooting took about two hours for my six pieces; fortunately N. came in right after me to do hers, so the setup time was more worthwhile. Many thanks to W. for his photography expertise and taking time out from his very busy schedule to do this for us!

I learned that our favourite and best film processor who would do slides overnight has gone out of business. Now I wait ’til Monday to see how the the slides turn out. I might still take digital shots of the last three prints at home because the tungsten lights for the slide film produce a brown cast in digital, or I will scan the slides. So, a little more patience before they are uploaded here.

When I got home around noon, I discovered that our internet was down. NO email, no blogging, no browsing; four hours later, ditto. So we called our IP provider who said there were no service interruptions in our area. Checks and restart attempts determined that our modem was not working. Someone would come by the next afternoon (today).

My other half had gone out of town on business earlier in the day. Daughter and I went to our local library to use their computers. I could not access my mail because I could not remember my password for webmail, not having used this service with this account yet! However I got some books and we rented a DVD movie for a mother-daughter night! She missed her IM friends, I missed the blogosphere, but we enjoyed our supper and movie.

This afternoon, our connection is working again, after seemingly a mere tweak by the serviceman. Life is back to normal – or is it?

But what does other-half’s going out of town have to do with any of this? Well, it’s become family history that almost everytime HE goes out of town, something breaks down. When we had babies and diapers, it was the washing machine. Later on, the boiler (for hot-water home heating) would give up on the coldest days of the year, including once or twice with both of us gone leaving the kids with Granny. HE is the fixer-upper, the handyman and the troubleshooter, and HIS machines at the home front miss him, we believe.

Happy Victoria Day

It is the Victoria Day long weekend for Canadians and out here on the Westcoast, if you are not “away”, you are working in the garden and around the home. Gardening is what I am doing a lot of in May, and this weekend is when it is safe to start putting out tomatoes and the more delicate annuals, plus some of my tropical plants that I overwinter indoors.

It is also a weekend that home improvement projects are tackled. Our project has been a year long one counting the preparation and a wood shed, but at last we are laying the paving stones on the side walk and back patio! Such is the life of an artist and a partner who use their own labour, and not always in the studio! The weather’s beautiful, so back to work now!

(Thanks to mirabilis for the link.)