a labyrinth
I have often wished to visit some of the labyrinths found in different parts of the world.
Strangely, the very first labyrinth I ever did walk on was just a two days ago right here in the Vancouver area. One early morning we went looking for a new painted labyrinth that we read about in a newspaper. Painted on a parking lot of a church, off a rather busy road, my first impression was of a little disappointment. But as I slowly walked around the twists and turns, I did feel my mood become meditative.
With its rose in the centre, It appears to be similar to some that are painted inside modern churches. Yet, according to the brochure, available nearby, this one is “a replica of the 11-circuit labyrinth of Chartres Cahtedral in France. This pattern, once central ot cathredral culture, was inlaid in the stone floor in 1201.” Interesting…
But I still feel drawn to the ancient stone labyrinths, just like I’m drawn to ancient cave art.