sima for May Day
The sunshine is so warming today as it streams into the house (oh, but such dirty windows). Fresh green leaves, spring flowers and even dandelions are bursting everywhere in spite of the cool temperatures. The tulips I had picked from our garden are already spread wide open in the warm house. It’s April 30th, I realize, which means it’s Vappu or May Day Eve.
Or it was on the other side of the world in Finland where they have already celebrated with much drinking and partying, especially the students. I should have made some sima and tippaleipää but instead I will just fondly reminisce about those tastes that my mother offered up in my childhood. ( I can’t have sugar or wheat.)
Unlike here in North America, May Day is rich with meanings and celebrations in Europe – Beltane, a celebration of spring, Walpurgis Night, Maypole and other dances and the International Workers’ Day. I wish we had a celebration here in Canada.
Instead I raise my virtual glass of sima and once again heartily wish you all a Happy May Day, Hauskaa Vappua, Happy Walpurgisnacht and Bonne Fête du Muguet!