frights and feasts
As you are out tonight chasing ghosts and goblins, watch out for what may be underfoot.
Or when the lawn
Is pressed by unseen feet, and ghosts return
Gently at twilight, gently go at dawn,
The sad intangible who grieve and yearn….
– T.S. Eliot
Looking up, Windy Willlow writes:
A howling welcome to all you tree lovers… this is the Halloween edition of The Festival of Trees’. What spooky trees and snippets of poetry to put us into the spirit of Samhain! If you need a little calming after all this, go down to part two and see ‘the breathtaking colors of leaves and fruit in this colorful season.
Fright to feast, have a Happy Halloween.
(Thanks, Amy, for reminding me of Eliot’s words.)