Allow me a little self-congratulatory pat on the back – qarrtsiluni has my photo Wings up! And I’m told that this is my tenth publication in it, and that you can see all of them here.
qarrtsiluni’s current theme Journaling the Apocalypse is a fascinating one with a rich and thoughtful variety of writings, video, music and photos. If you don’t already know this online literary and artistic journal, please do have a visit, it’s worth it! Guest editors and themes change bi-monthly. This time founding and managing editors Beth Adams and Dave Bonta have been doing the honours. Great job and thanks for including me!
The above photo, by the way, is not the one shown in qarrtsiluni but is another one from the same series of images I took of a found object a few months ago.
Added November 23rd, 2008:
Thanks to a lovely comment from Maria below, I thought I should mention there are a couple of other photos in this series that can be seen in a post about poetry postcards and a collaboration with Tom Montag at Postal Poetry called Blue. Enjoy!