Heavenly blues! and a few white and pink ones that I should have picked too…
April 29, 2010 in Nature, Photoworks by Marja-Leena
Heavenly blues! and a few white and pink ones that I should have picked too…
April 29, 2010 in Nature, Photoworks by Marja-Leena
© Marja-Leena Rathje 2004-2025
Upea ja herkkä sommitelma, kukat näyttävät ihanan vapailta eivätkä yhtään pönöttäviltä, niin kuin asetelmissa usein. Ja sininen on niin ihana mustaa taustaa vasten. Taivaallista juurikin!
Movement captured … an English folk song playing in the background would capture the mood nicely, I think … something by Steeleye Span?
Dave, thanks, great to see you here!
Taina, kiitos. Scannerille on hauska vapaasti asettaa kukat, ja musta tausta tapahtuu jos kannen jättää auki, jota muutenkin täytyy tehdä jotta kukat eivät litisty. Onko tämä kukka Suomessakin ja mikä sen nimi on?
R, you are into the old English music groups too! Another unknown to me, my ignorance is being revealed!!
They are set off well by that black background . . . just like wild bluebells glow in the depths of the woods. We are going to go on a twilight bluebell walk next week.
Bee, oh my, so many comments from you today! Don’t forget your camera when you go on that twilight walk – hope there will be enough light!
looks like wallpaper!
Taina, really, with a black background? Oh, maybe you mean digital wallpaper?