snow and ice
8:41 pm
Well, more snow came down on Wednesday and it has stayed. Here, in the usually balmiest corner of Canada, we are experiencing zub-sero temperatures. Instead of the rain quickly washing it all away as usual there’s lots more snow forecast for Sunday and some days after. Can it be that we will have a white Christmas, the rarest of events in Vancouver?! I do remember one very snowy Christmas in the 70’s…
As one who grew up in Winnipeg and lived a few years in northeast British Columbia, I chuckled over Stephen Hume’s essay: Cold? This isn’t cold. I’ll tell you what cold is*.
While ice makes for treacherous roads, its beauty is delighting me around home especially on the sloping glass of the solarium beyond our kitchen window. This morning the sunrise was glorious through it! I’m thinking of Wirkkala’s ice glass all over again.
And, while I was out later this morning, Erika discovered unusual icicles and captured beautiful photographs of them – go have a look!
Oh, and I almost forgot… you must see Lucy’s gorgeous frost and ice photos!
*link has expired, sadly