Easter, Earth, Elections
10:25 am
Today is Good Friday, Earth Day and the first of several Advance Voting Days for our Canadian national elections on May 2nd.
Husband was visiting his sister on Vancouver Island for a couple of days this week (by bike, Canada Line, bus and ferry of course). It was timely for him – being in Green Party leader Elizabeth May‘s riding, he was able to join his sister in attending a lively all-candidate’s meeting one evening. May is a most amazing, intelligent and energetic woman, many heads above the other party leaders and the incumbent there. We fervently hope this time she wins a much-needed seat in Ottawa! Unfortunately, in our own riding, with our unfair first-past-the-post electoral system, we are having to vote strategically instead of with our hearts in order to try to keep out Harper! I don’t think I’ve ever felt this anxious and worried about an election before.
It’s a lovely sunny day so we are going for a walk then will putter around outdoors, enjoying it while it lasts, for Easter Sunday may be rainy. No Easter egg hunts in the garden this year without our granddaughters. Daughter Erika was happy to have had an advance one with them when she was visiting them in England recently, accompanied by a visiting wild bunny rabbit in the garden!
Have a happy long Easter weekend! Hauskaa Pääsiästä!