book meme
12:01 am
Amy passed on the stick for this book meme which I didn’t want to do for a lack of time, but it stuck in my mind. So here’s a quick list because I’ve not been reading as much as I would like.
You’re stuck inside Fahrenheit 451, which book do you want to be?
I haven’t read it, hmmm – how about a monograph of my work?
Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character?
Probably long ago, I can’t remember now, some romantic hero like the prince who wakes up Sleeping Beauty?
The last book you bought is:
The Power of Place, St. Michael’s Printshop & 30 years Printmaking in Newfoundland, in conjunction with the exhibition I visited
What are you currently reading?
1. Patterns That Connect: Social Symbolism in Ancient & Tribal Art by Schuster & Carpenter recommended by Anna Conti
2. The Dying Animal by Philip Roth – someone wrote about Roth’s latest books & I thought I’d check it out
3. Nick Bantock’s Artful Dodger, actually recently finished (a Christmas gift)
Five books you would take to a deserted island:
1. The Kalevala, both Finnish & English – still haven’t read it all
2. The Lord of the Rings, to re-read after 25 years
3. An Atlas of the World – I love looking at maps
4. The Gift – Imagination and the Erotic Life of Property by Lewis Hyde, also recommended by Anna – I’ve not had time to read past the first chapter
5. Archaeology or Anthropology books such as Return to Chauvet Cave by Jean Clottes
Who are you going to pass this stick to (3 persons) and why?
Anna because she recommends so many good art books
Miriam, English prof & lover of memes
Beth, beautiful & thoughtful writer, dare I ask for she is a busy lady
Later….Oops, I see Miriam has already done this meme!
UPDATE: Thanks to Anna for taking up this challenge. As I expected, she has some wonderful sounding selections. They’re going on my to-read-list if I ever have enough time for it all. Anna says she doesn’t usually read fiction, which for me has always been a favourite if I want to relax my over-tired mind and body, but I’ve been doing even less of that lately. Maybe reading so many great blogs is the reason?