Tapio Wirkkala, Finnish designer
Go fetch yourself a cup of your favourite brew, sit down and watch this gorgeous 16 minute video on Tapio Wirkkala, in English and some Finnish. Virtual Finland* presents him as “a father figure of Finnish applied art who merged form and function in a dialogue between thought, hand, eye and material.” He is an amazing artist whose name and work, to me, is synonymous with Finland.
I’m proud to own a few pieces of his, such as some Tapio glasses and Ultima Thule (ice) bowls. I’m also particularly fond of the name Tapio (pronounced TUP-e-o), the name of my brother and the name of a pagan Finnish god of the forest. As you will see in this video, that name was significant for Wirkkala as well, who found nature especially in Finnish Lapland was a profound source of inspiration as well as solace and strength.
There’s more about Tapio Wirkkala elsewhere in Virtual Finland*, at Finnish Design and at Wikipedia.
Added Dec.6th: Today is Finland’s 91st Independence Day! I will place two candles in the window and light them at dusk. Hyvää itsenäisyyspäivää to Finland and my Finnish readers!
*Sadly, the Virtual Finland site no longer exists so links have been removed.
December 5, 2008 in Culture, Finland, Estonia & Finno-Ugric, Other artists by Marja-Leena
I’d love to watch, but can’t. Nonetheless I savor the idea of it, and I’m glad that others can watch it. Thanks for running it by me.
Hi Bill! Is your connection too slow? Can you use a friend’s computer or one in a library? It really is worth it.
Hi Marja-Leena! Yes, yes, I’m glad you understand. I guess I just have to cheer myself with the thought that exclusion has its own narrative — but my, just sometime I’d like to get in the door and take a seat at the show.
Näin itsenäisyyspäivän tienoilla et olisi siellä kaukana voinut valita kuvaa, jossa paljon enemmän näkyisi suomalaisuus. Tuttuakin tutumpi suomalainen lasimuotoilu ja liina puisella pöydänpinnalla 🙂
Hyvää itsenäisyyspäivää!
Oh! We inherited a set of glasses just like this bowl, long ago, and have always loved them but I never knew who had designed them or where they came from. I’m so glad to know!
Hei Tuima! Todella! Meinasin panna tähän yhteen onnittelut ja sitten arvelin tehdä erillisen päreen. Sanasi houkutteli takaisin lisäämään sen kuitenkin tänne. Kiitos ja Hyvää itsenäisyyspäivää!
Tuima wrote: From so far away and so close to Independence Day, you could not have chosen a better image of Finnishness. So very familiar the glass design and cloth on a wood table. Happy Independence Day!
My reply: Indeed! I was going to add good wishes here then thought to do a separate post. Your words encouraged me to add it here after all. Thanks and Happy Independence Day!
Beth, I’m so happy that you now know, and so pleased that you possess such quintessential Finnish glass!
Tuttuja astioita. Meillä on jälkiruoka-astiat, joita käytämme aina kun koko perhe on koolla tai kun on vieraita. Näihin astioihin ei kyllästy koskaan.
Hei Anna! Samoin täälläkin käytetään näitä, myös muitakin Iittalan tuotteita kun lasit, kannut, kynttelin jalat ja vaasia. Monet olivat lahjoja vanhemmiltani, suvulta suomessa ja sitten sain äidinkin lahjat.
We have that very bowl in our house–what a genius he is!
Black Pete, how nice. It sure is a popular bowl, isn’t it?