this earth
What a glorious sunny day yesterday, with more ahead! Despite my cold, I was drawn outdoors to check the amazing growth in just a week. Everything is green and lush, the tulips are glowing in their riotous colours, the prune plum tree is smothered in blossoms, the white camellia flowers are the size of my hand, the magestic magnolias are still gorgeous even with scattering petals on the ground, the perky little forget-me-nots are opening, and some azaleas and rhododendrons are showing their colours. All seems well in this little spot on earth.
As I’m admiring spring’s profusion and taking lots of photos, I’m thinking about our very early ancestors who blessed the earth every spring. I wonder how many people still do that, maybe only some of the aboriginals still do it in a meaningful way. I wonder if everyone – from the leaders of every government of very country, and every CEO of every corporation, down to all of us humble little people – were to bless this earth by taking care of it as we do of our own little gardens (naturally of course), then maybe, just maybe, we can still save our poor suffering EARTH for our grandchildren and great grandchildren.
“Our personal consumer choices have ecological, social, and spiritual consequences. It is time to re-examine some of our deeply held notions that underlie our lifestyles.” – David Suzuki
Earth Day Canada
Earth Day articles
April 23, 2006 in Current Events, Environment by Marja-Leena
Minulla on vieläkin ikävä sitä magnoliaa, joka kasvoi pihallamme Torontossa.
Ihastuttavia kukkia. Tällä hetkellä olen erittäin iloinen kukkapenkistä esiin puskevista perennoista. Jotkut urheat kasvit ovat jo kurkistanet lehdillään uutta kevättä. Pitäisi mennä istuttamaan niiden seurakasi pääsiäisnarsissit.
Niin Anna, se on niin kaunis että ei voi unohtaa! Muistan sen kuvan blogissasi kun niinä aikoina tutustuin siihen! Ihmettelin kyllä että Torontossa kasvaa, siellähän on kylmempi talvi.
Tui, tervetuloa! Hauska että kävit. Olin juuri eilen tutustumassa blogiisi kun olen nähnyt komenttisi viides roolissa ja mualla. Huomasin krookus siinä, ja se pani muistamaan miten paljon myöhemmin kevät tulee mualla Kanadaa ja Suomessa!
Beautiful, beautiful flowers!!
Maria, kiitos! Mukava että pistäydyit täällä.
Ah, how beautiful! The photos AND the sentiment. I think our leaders delegate all the gardening to others (like low-wage immigrants).
There’s apparently a new documentary out with Al Gore that makes one realize how different things would be if he won in 2000 (well, he did win but if he’d been allowed to take office anyway).
Elise, thanks for reading and responding!
Leslee – thank you. Yes, we need many Al Gores, in Canada too! I’m amazed that the Green Party for example has not made the foothold in North America as it has in Europe. We, and this earth, are the victims of two party politics and big business. (And I don’t usually talk about politics here, partly because I get too upset.)