thinker quiz

What kind of thinker are you? Find out through a Quiz from BBC. I did and here’s my result.

You are a Spatial Thinker


Spatial Thinkers:
• Tend to think in pictures, and can develop good mental models of the physical world.
• Think well in three dimensions
• Have a flair for working with objects

Other Spatial Thinkers include Pablo Picasso, Michelangelo, Isambard Kingdom Brunel

Careers which suit Spatial Thinkers include Mechanic, Photographer, Artist, Architect, Engineer, Builder, Set designer

My first test result also included Intrapersonal Thinker, but the second test only Spatial. Interesting. Not surprising because I know I think in images rather than words, as I’ve mentioned on this blog sometimes.

But who’s Isambard Kingdom Brunel??
(via Self-winding)

Addendum: Thanks to a sharp reader, born in the UK, who sent me the answer to who is Brunel? Shame on me for being too lazy to search for it myself.

October 17, 2005 in Being an Artist, Neat stuff by Marja-Leena