The Couple II
Veils Suite: The Couple II
monotype (oil-based inks) and watercolour pencil drawing
57 x 76 cm.
About these monotypes
April 2, 2006 in Printworks, Veils Suite by Marja-Leena
Veils Suite: The Couple II
monotype (oil-based inks) and watercolour pencil drawing
57 x 76 cm.
About these monotypes
April 2, 2006 in Printworks, Veils Suite by Marja-Leena
© Marja-Leena Rathje 2004-2025
For me this works both figuratively and as landscape. These veils are well named.
Omega, your ever-faithful, very generous and perceptive comments are very much appreciated, thank you!!
Another beautiful monotype. Sigh…
By the way, I’ve finally subscribed to your RSS feed using bloglines and it works wonderfully. I even get links to archives farther back than if I was visiting your actual blog home page.
Why didn’t I do this a whole lot sooner?
Thanks, Elise! Glad you’ve discovered RSS at last!
I’ve been using RSS almost as long as I’ve been blogging and love it. As more and more blogs join up, it gets easier and faster. Are you on a Mac? I recently upgraded to Tiger so now Safari, the browser shows the RSS symbol on the end of the URL bar on the top – IF the site has it. Well, I discovered a whole lot of blogs had it, even though the bloggers’ pages might not show the code. I discoverd that if I click directly on the RSS symbol, it automatically opens the reader, I click subscribe, and it pops right in there! Quick and cool!