spider’s web


On this glorious sunny Sunday morning, all the more precious when sunshine has been so scarce this fall, I spotted a very delicate, very perfect silky spider’s web outside one window. I asked my husband, a much better photographer than I am, to try and capture this ephemeral creation, so barely noticeable and quickly disappearing with the sun’s southward movement. The photos disappointed but some photoshopping gave some interesting results, though still rather too delicate to show well on this other web.

I am quite envious of Dave’s photos of spider webs.

And that reminds me, I’m pleased and proud that one of my favourite images, Footprints in the Sand has been published on Qarrtsiluni. It’s a reworking of one that I posted here quite some time ago. If you are interested in submitting something for the current issue of this superb online literary and art magazine, the deadline is tomorrow.

October 14, 2007 in Being an Artist, Nature, Photoworks by Marja-Leena