Malaspina Galleries 3
Some exciting-to-me details of the rocks near the Malaspina Galleries on Gabriola. Did I mention that I shot hundreds of photos on this island, mostly of rocks? Such a rich abundance of Nature’s amazing creations….
May 18, 2011 in Canada and BC, Photoworks, Rocks, Travel by Marja-Leena
Sandstone? Those forms are amazing. Sometimes like scheletons of some animals, sometimes truly like a modern sculpture.
What’s the nearby vulcano called? Clearly these galleries are not formed by a meteorite. We lived in Portland under one vulcano, Mt. Hood.
Ripsa, yes, these are mostly sandstone, weathered and eroded by the actions of the sea.
Interesting that you ask about volcanoes. Certainly they have long ago formed much of this coastline. Mt. Baker in Washington State, USA is one that is visible from many parts of southwest BC. Do you remember Mt St Helens, further south of it, erupted in 1980? We felt the jolt and saw the ashes over here.
The BC volcanoes, though presently dormant, that are the closest to us are part of the Garibaldi range which includes the well-known Whistler ski resort north of Vancouver.
Such expressive stone.
I especially love the top image – right now I’m wondering how one could print off it!
Those are incredible shots.
I love the kinds of details that catch your observant eye. Lovely and strange too.
Zhoen, welcome! Stone that is expressive, who would have thought?!
Olga, I’ve been wondering the same thing. A rubbing with extra strength yet pliable canvas? Inkjet prints may still be easier.
Cathy, thanks, I’m pleased you think so.
Susan, as you know, I love to hunt for details, especially of unusual textures. I hope that some may emerge in future prints.
Did anyone notice the last image looks rather like a petroglyph of a head and arm?
Can’t get over this moving rock. Some make you feel warm, as though you were looking at a desert sandscape, others are cooler, as though you were standing on the moon.
thanks for the Wiki-link! I thought at once when I saw your gallery-pictures, that there are volcanic activities somewhere along the line. And thought that Cascades must be reaching at least to Vancouver B.C.
We were living in a commune in Portland, where in upstairs we could see Mt. Hood, and the other window Mt. St. Helens. We do have a small glass tube full of St. Helens volcanic ash from the latest explosion.
I wonder how long they think the existing mountains on Cascades stay dormant…
I am alone in seeing a cat in the first photograph?
What fun! Interesting group. They all look figurative to me. The first one is a poor little thrown-down splot (but dimly showing limbs and head), the second is lifting his strange face from the rock, the third is hatchlings (or perhaps people half buried in sand), and the last could be an image from Judaculla rock (my local petroglyph when I’m “home” in North Carolina.)
Great pictures!
Rouchswalwe, you’ve made an interesting observation on the temperature, that is, a hot desert vs cool moonscape…
Ripsa, I think we are more worried about earthquakes along the whole west coast!
Joe, hmm, now that you mention it, I do see a cat’s head with wide open mouth and very sharp teeth.
Marly, what is a splot? and the Judaculla petroglyph sounds intriguing! Fascinating what each of us sees in the supposed abstract!
A fighting cock, anonymous bobbles, a fried egg and an ear ‘ole. See how I can unerringly take all the romance out of art.
A splot is a spatter–just one unified splatter. That’s what I say, anyway!
Barrett Bonden bobbles
Barrett Bonden bobbles
Barrett Bonden bobbles
Barrett Bonden bobbles
Barrett Bonden bobbles
Now you say it five times!
BB and Marly, glad you are both having fun with these images, and giving me a few laughs too!
Well, I do hope BB is not offendable! My married name is alliterative, so I can be just as silly about myself.
The good thing about when you don’t post is that I go and look at more pictures.
Part of “Nexus” today. And that reminds me that I picked up a crackly green pendant of the Venus of Willendorf while I was in North Carolina. More reason to finally unpack!
Marly, I think BB would be flattered beneath his gruff exterior. (It’s his pen name, by the way.)
Sorry I don’t manage to post more often – it’s spring cleaning and gardening time and company is coming!
I’m delighted that you are checking into my art works – have you seen the most recent years’ work in the gallery/ slide show where they are easiest to see? The archives are annoyingly slow, having to click on each post. Some day, I’d like to have more of my work in that slide format, or a whole new website, if ever my youngest daughter/graphic designer has the time. And you have a Venus of Willendorf pendant? Show, please!
Extraordinary and stunning! Especially the top picture – like spilled milk frozen forever in stone.
What inspiration in these rocks, I’m sure they’ll appear in your prints sometime Marja-Leena.
Natalie, I love the image of spilled milk that you see here. Yes, so much inspiration and so many new images in my image bank to draw from when I get back to the studio in the fall.
Splot is an area of Cardiff. Or perhaps it’s Splott. Just thought Marly might like to add to her Welsh place name collection, if she comes back. It’s easier to say than Llanfar…etc etc.
Beautiful rocks, of course.
Lucy, that’s most interesting, thanks! Hope Marly sees it.
I shall do eventually… (I’ve been so busy that I have not even unpacked from Wales and North Carolina.)
Spllodd. Or Spllwdd?
My comment was eaten and spat out! I think.
Anyway, for Lucy, this:
Spllodd. Or Splwdd.
And yes I shall if I ever get unpacked from Wales and Carolina… and over the hump of events.
I think that I was looking at the new ones… unless there are other slideshows. Liked and shall look again soon. Once is not enough.
Hi Marly, I don’t know where you find the time from your busy life and career to visit here so wonderfully frequently.
Maybe that was what my comment function was doing too until it realized, hey, that’s from Marly!
Splwdd makes me think of a small child spitting out his spinach
There’s just one slideshow, glad you went there and like!
I am on a marja-leena-binge!
Splwdd would be Splooth in Welsh. I think.
Marly, sorry to be late replying as I’m busy with house guests. Binge all you want while I try to keep up with your prolific posting when I can. I think we have a mutual admiration society going here – how do you say that in Welsh?