five years


Is it a sign of age that one begins to momentarily forget how old one is or how long one’s been married? I sometimes have to go back to my birth or wedding date and count from there. A couple of days ago I had such a moment where I really thought I’d missed the anniversary of this blog. One reason for the confusion for me is that I spent a few months learning about blogging by writing a few posts, meekly and tentatively, before actually putting them online. But, newbie that I was, I did not change the dates on those earliest posts that I did keep. Writing about my printmaking started as my main focus and quickly grew to other subjects that interested me and influenced me. A blog is truly a work in progress, isn’t it?

Anyway, today is five years since the eventful day this blog went public! Blogging quickly became a passion, maybe an addiction, nurtured by the many connections and friends made around the world. Without all of you, I may have quit. I have slowed down, not writing as much and posting as often, but I’m still here! Thank you all for reading and commenting, dear friends!

As this blog has grown I find that I forget (ach, that word again!) a lot of what I’ve written in earlier years so I like to dig into the archives for related articles. Should you be interested, here are the previous anniversary posts: first, second, third and fourth.

February 1, 2009 in Being an Artist, Blogging by Marja-Leena