caught in a web


A long and mighty battle between these two insects outside a window next to our front door had us transfixed with fascination, as well as some horror and pity for the winged creature. We could not identify this winged insect with orange legs and a very long tail appendage with what looks like a very long stinger at the end. It seems to have a body rather like a carpenter ant with large lacy transparent wings.

Husband took lots of great photos of the drama, as winged creature struggled to free himself, flipping over and around the sticky strands that held two of his feet. Here he is upside down with the small spider tentatively approaching, then receding from this kickboxer and his wings in rapid motion.

Here’s another photo, sharpened and turned over to show his appendages and wings more clearly. Anybody know what this winged creature is?


June 12, 2006 in Nature, Neat stuff, Photoworks by Marja-Leena