Malaspina Galleries 3

May 18, 2011 in Canada and BC, Photoworks, Rocks, Travel





Some exciting-to-me details of the rocks near the Malaspina Galleries on Gabriola. Did I mention that I shot hundreds of photos on this island, mostly of rocks? Such a rich abundance of Nature’s amazing creations….

Malaspina Galleries 2

May 16, 2011 in Canada and BC, Photoworks, Rocks, Travel





As we move further out to the point away from the most striking ‘wave’ rocks of the Malaspina Galleries on Gabriola Island, we continue to see and admire amazing formations and textures and colours. Nature’s art work worthy of belonging in a gallery….

Marijke Nap: Life Works

May 15, 2011 in Art Exhibitions, Other artists, Printmaking


detail: Marijke Nap: Untitled, 1999
collagraph and silkscreen
image 21 x 32 cm on 40.5 x 50.5 cm paper

While on vacation recently I received a group email about a printmaking exhibition of works by Marijke Nap. How very shocked I was to read “late artist”. I had not seen Marijke in a few years but knew from mutual friends that she had been ill but had not been told of its seriousness or of her passing earlier this spring.

I first met and became friends with Marijke at the Art Institute at Capilano College (now University) many years ago before she moved on to work at other places, lastly at University of British Columbia’s art department. So, this is a fitting memorial to a vibrant and beautiful artist and printmaker who was very involved in the larger printmaking community in Vancouver. She will be sorely missed.

Unable to find a suitable image of Marijke’s vibrant work online to feature here, I chose the above from my collection, the First Folio, a portfolio of prints by several artists (including myself) created in 1999 at the Art Institute at Capilano. Each artist received one portfolio plus there were a few for exhibitions and sales to collectors.

Unfortunately I missed the opening but plan to see the exhibition before it closes May 28th. Please read about Marijke’s life and work and the exhibition, and if in the area visit the show:

Marijke Nap: Life Works
AHVA Library Gallery, Room 112 Koerner Library,
1958 Main Mall, UBC Vancouver
Exhibition runs from May 11 – 28th, 2011, Wednesday to Saturday 12-4pm.

Added much later: a lovely note by Katie Dey at the BIMPE site.

Gabriola’s Malaspina Galleries

May 14, 2011 in Canada and BC, Photoworks, Rocks, Travel



(photo by FVR)

(photo by FVR)

(photo by FVR)

As mentioned in my last post, we recently visited Gabriola Island and its noteworthy limestone formations called the Malaspina Galleries. We were told that they have eroded a great deal, to the point that they are very dangerous to stand under. The ledge under ‘the wave’ is very narrow with a dangerous drop to the sea. With my fear of such, I’m glad my braver husband went closer for some nice shots with the SLR camera.

Our photos cannot compare to some incredible ones of them that I’ve seen here and there (search if you like) by more professional photographers who have taken the time to wait for the best light and tidal conditions. Also, somehow I’d expected them to be much larger. We continued to enjoy a wander out to the point and the other side, capturing many more fascinating images of unusually weathered rocks, so watch for more photos to come.

island getaway

May 11, 2011 in Canada and BC, Travel



As some readers may have suspected, we’ve been away on a week’s getaway to a couple of islands. The day after our disastrous federal election, we took a ferry from Horseshoe Bay to Nanaimo on Vancouver Island, then a small ferry over to nearby Gabriola, one of the Gulf Islands. This was our first visit to this island, one that has been on my wish list for some time because of its noted rock formations and petroglyphs. We stayed in a wonderful bed and breakfast for three nights and were lucky with perfect weather in which to explore and take numerous photos.

I’ll write more later, including about the rest of our trip on Vancouver Island itself. We made it home Monday evening, happy and pleasantly tired. Amazing how much there is back home to catch up on, I could just turn around and go back to the lazy life on ‘island time’. With hundreds of photos to still sort to post here and many blogs to catch up on, I will just leave a couple of scenic shots here to say I’m home.

rocks, again

May 6, 2011 in Photoworks, Rocks



As most regular readers here know, unusually patterned and weathered rocks are something of an obsession for me. Here are two from a new series of photos that I am working on and very excited about. Details and more photos to come soon….

orchids, art, election results

May 2, 2011 in Art Exhibitions, Canada and BC, Current Events

Ah, what a busy and lovely weekend we’ve had here. Our eldest daughter arrived Friday evening for a visit from the interior of BC. We’d last seen her at Christmas which we’d spent with her and her partner. For a change our weather was glorious, sunny and warm most of the weekend and thank goodness for that, as today it’s back to more cold and ‘liquid sunshine’ as we say in these parts!


Anita treated us to a visit on Saturday to the wonderful Queen Elizabeth Park gardens. Of course, the gardens are at their spring best with flowering magnolias, cherry trees, tulips, daffodils, heavenly scented hyacinths and many spring flowering perennials. We toured the smaller quarry gardens in the morning, then went into the Bloedel Conservatory with its tropical plants and trees, a waterfall and birds galore and the featured Orchid Show. Wonderful display and information, just wish I had the room to grow more of them but hopefully I will now take better care of the ones I do have.





Time for a break – a tasty lunch in the restaurant (you can see a corner of it in the second photo above). Then another stroll (who can walk fast here?), this time around the even more stunning larger quarry gardens. There is always at least one wedding party having photos taken here but this time there was actually a small intimate wedding being performed in a quiet area.


Unfortunately I forgot to recharge our camera batteries and ran out of juice in the middle of the orchids! Anita and Erika made up for it with their cameras, so I hope they will blog some of their photos. The above photo showing the conservatory on top of the hill is one of Anita’s. Thanks for a fantastic day, Anita!

Sunday had us out on a little tour of my very much more modest garden, selecting divisions of a few perennial flowers for her to take home to add to her still-developing garden.

After Anita left in the afternoon, we went to Roger Fidler’s exhibition opening at the Havana Gallery. Though I’ve seen about half of the works before, it was wonderful to see them with his unfamiliar-to-me works, attractively framed and hung around the room. The first piece that caught my eye as we entered was a photo collage of the gardens in the Bloedel Conservatory! Of course, all the work was new and very interesting for my husband. Congratulations, Roger!

This evening will be an anxious time for us as we await results of our federal election in front of the news reports. We hope a great number of voters are making their voices heard today. Polls close at 7 pm and the numbers from the east start coming in, moving across the country to the west, until all BC’s final poll counts come in. It’s predicted to be a nail biter!

pond reflections

April 27, 2011 in Canada and BC





While organizing this year’s photos into albums, I came across these almost forgotten images which instantly transported me to that delightful discovery of a wonderful walk around the creeks and ponds of a local public golf course. A rare and brilliantly sunny day in early March with the warmth on our backs and feasts for our eyes. No golfers and flying golfballs to worry about, just the quiet shared with a few other walkers, groundskeepers and ducks.

Roger Fidler exhibition

April 24, 2011 in Art Exhibitions, Other artists, Photography, Printmaking


It is my pleasure to introduce friend and fellow printmaker and photographer Roger Fidler. Roger has an exhibition of his photographs, photo-etchings and photoworks opening next Sunday at the Havana Gallery. Everyone is welcome to the opening, details below:

Opening Sunday May 1st, 4 pm – 7 pm
Havana Gallery at the Havana Restaurant
1212 Commercial Drive, Vancouver, BC
The exhibition continues to May 14th
Hours: Sun 10am -11pm, Mon – Thurs 11am – 11pm, Fri 11am – midnight, Sat 10 am – midnight


Here are some of Roger’s words about his work:

Most of my work is photographic in some way. My real interest in photography began some 40 years ago when I lived in the Peace River region of British Columbia. The landscape inspired me to buy my first SLR camera, and I have been taking pictures ever since.

My preference has always been for black and white photography. The graphic image, a step further away from reality has always appealed to me. I often experiment with alternative techniques, and over the last year I have been learning to become a printmaker. I specialise in photo-etching.

The subject matter has changed over the years. My current portfolio falls roughly into three groups: still life, classical sculptural detail, and larger more experimental works.


Easter yellow

April 24, 2011 in Nature, Photoworks




On our walk the other day past the boggy area of our favourite forest park, we found an exceptional group of Swamp Lanterns aka Western Skunk Cabbage. I think the latter name is an insult to the beauty of this plant and it does not smell skunky either. The flower reminds me of the Peace Lily – sure enough, they are both part of the large Arum family. And are not the peace lily and another arum, the calla not often used at Easter?