weathering october

October 9, 2011 in Current Events, Home


Summer was short. The rains of fall started early and I’m wondering if we will get any Indian summer. Gardening has been hit and miss. On some rare dry days, I’m trying to take cuttings and divisions and bring in plants. As this is our Canadian Thanksgiving long weekend, I am preparing a small dinner of local harvests for just the three of us and daughter’s boyfriend. Thinking of our family farther away, we chatted with eldest daughter on her birthday yesterday and this morning with daughter in the UK. Life continues on in its own steady rhythm within our little world while in the greater world beyond we hear the rumbles of economic and political storms.


October 4, 2011 in Being an Artist, Photoworks, Textures


More treasures from the bottom of my ‘textures for collagraphs’ bag…

Coarser and stiffer than jute, is it sisal?

Fascinating how these recent scans of twine have brought forth many comments and questions about the fibres, and sent me on a learning journey. Meanwhile, my head and body feel a bit entwined by some kind of mild flu bug, so have been a little quiet lately.

more jute

September 30, 2011 in Being an Artist, Photoworks, Textures



I am really enjoying revisiting this wonderful fibre! I’m surprised and pleased at all the comments the first jute post received.

Meanwhile some of the jute imagery has gone into a new print I’m currently working on so wish me luck on that one, it’s looking good so far. Here are a few pieces from long ago that also incorporated rope or jute: Paths XI and Paths XIII, and one I’d almost forgotten, a Head Dress!


September 26, 2011 in Photoworks, Textures



See also: more jute and twine(d)

my red diary

September 25, 2011 in Photoworks, Textures, Travel


I’m not a diarist except when traveling and this has been my favourite travel diary. I love the texture, colour and pattern of the cover, and that it was a gift from a dear friend. Though it is last year’s, it still resides on my desk. I note that only the pages in May and June have entries about a trip to the westcoast of Vancouver Island and a trip to Montreal. Both were highlights of that year though we did do some other little trips here in BC. This blog is my diary.

pine cone

September 22, 2011 in Nature, Photoworks




Spotted as I walked from the print studio the other day, and like the little tomboy I used to be, picked it up to take home…. isn’t it a beaut?


September 19, 2011 in Being an Artist, Fragments, Printworks, Rock Art & Archaeology


detail from FRAGMENTS II

I keep thinking about my deep fascination for my own origins, of the origins of the Finno-Ugrics, and of all humans. I’m understanding more and more that this is at the very root of my fascination and passion for the traces left behind by these early people on rocks and cave walls, in their sculptures, standing stones, dolmens, pottery, jewelry and so on. And this passion naturally translates into my own art work.

Casually browsing through some of my archives, I came across this almost forgotten post from 2007 which really resonates for me at this moment, especially the above passage.

Back at the printmaking studio after several months’ absence, I am revisiting the last prints I finished, especially the FRAGMENTS pieces. I am gathering thoughts, ideas, feelings along with possible relevant images from my massive files as I plan new work. It is a process I need to go through, a kind of evaluation of past work and finding the connecting threads to carry forth as I move into the new.

UPDATE Sept.23rd, 2011: The Fragments category is now up under Printworks. I will add more works as they are created and completed. Thanks to Marly for the question in the comments, it has spurred me on to remind my designer daughter to help add that category at long last.

another floral scan

September 15, 2011 in Nature, Photoworks


no time for many words so just an image for now…
a busy week, back at the printmaking studio
but taking a mid-week break for a visit from dear friends…


September 14, 2011 in Canada and BC, Photoworks, Rocks




Natural rock with amazing colour variation and pattern in what I used to think was always all green, BC jade. I like this better than the usual jade jewelry or carvings, such a rock lover that I am.

peace lily

September 9, 2011 in Nature, Photoworks



this dried peace lily blossom made a nice subject for another scan study, so delicate yet so strong