getting into the mood
December 5, 2011 in Culture, Current Events, Home
for Christmas, that is…
a favourite photo posted three years ago
~ Visited the annual Christmas Craft Fair: at the Scandinavian Centre a week ago Sunday and bought some Christmas gifts and lots of Finnish pulla and Karelian pies, a coffee cake and a few Danish marzipan cookies – tucked most into the freezer but still had a carbohydrate overdose! Served some to guests during the week.
~ Christmas cards and letters: finished printing a week ago, took longer than planned due to a few idiosyncracies with the printer hence a few spoiled prints. Today we start to write letters, the overseas ones first.
~ Cleaning up the garden: when the weather allows, leaves and still more leaves. Pulled out the geraniums, including in a pot next to the door still with one flower, untouched by frost. Tucked in a few bulbs in case some of the older ones don’t come back and added tiny winter pansies, some berried branches and pine tips cut from around the garden to keep out the squirrels and for some Christmasy looks.
~ Outdoor decorations: lights & door wreath went up this weekend. Paperwhite bulbs placed in pebbles and shells inside glasses (like in photo above) and pots and put into the cool solarium in hopes that they will be in bloom at Christmas, not before. Indoor decorating to come bit by bit.
~ Reading: old favourite Christmas posts on my blog like this one (some links no longer working, sorry)
~ Listening: to some favourite Christmas music, such as mentioned here
~ Baking: bought some supplies including Danish marzipan to make the stollen this week.
~ Sunday’s iChat: with family in UK – the granddaughters are lively and excited by all the preparations and community activities – will miss them all again this coming Christmas.