‘Hands’ on the wall

January 17, 2013 in Being an Artist, Digital printmaking, Hands, Printworks


These are the first six of my ongoing Hands series of prints all together, completed at the end of last year. I’ve already posted these individually, to be found under Hands. While preparing several more to print the next few weeks, I put these up on the wall of the printmaking studio to have a long look and think. This is merely a snapshot, not a good photo, for the lighting was poor and I did not use a tripod. However, it shows for me the series as a work in progress, like this other photo. I like to pause like this, to revisit what I’ve done so far, how they look together, which are the strongest ones, which the weakest. I try to imagine ten or twelve in the series all in a single row, as I’d like them to be were they to be in an exhibition. I also enjoy the feedback from my artist colleagues in the studio, just as I do from you, dear readers.

Now to carry on with some more ‘Hands’ with objects. Hope to print one more tomorrow…

Hand with Wasp Nests

January 16, 2013 in Hands, Printworks


Hand with Wasp Nests
archival inkjet print
45.5 x 38.5 cm (18″ x 15.25″)

Here is a close up look at one of the nests – just amazing and beautiful, isn’t it?

Hand with Ammonite (print)

January 13, 2013 in Hands, Printworks


Hand with Ammonite
archival inkjet print
45.5 x 38.5 cm (18″ x 15.25″)

Inspired by an earlier photo/scan by the same name, and this even earlier scan

Hand with Physalis

January 8, 2013 in Hands, Printworks


Hand with Physalis
archival inkjet print
45.5 x 38.5 cm (18″ x 15.25″)

Some readers may recall earlier physalis images which I’ve posted here and here.


January 6, 2013 in Canada and BC, Culture






moss and ivy
lichen and ferns
english daisies
winter blooming rhododendron
grey drizzly day
where is snow white winter
on this twelfth day of Christmas?

a few past Epiphany posts:
Twelfth Day 2006
Twelfth night 2008
epiphany deluge 2009

Hand with Nest

January 3, 2013 in Hands, Printworks


Hand with Nest
archival inkjet print
45.5 x 38.5 cm (18″ x 15.25″)

underfoot, again

January 2, 2013 in Being an Artist, Canada and BC, Photoworks, Urban





On our New Year’s Eve day walk I took many photos, posting some of trees against water and sky, where I was looking up and out a great deal.

To view the ones above, I’m looking down, something commenters have teased me about a lot in the past. No wonder, for I’ve taken numerous “underfoot” photos. The first may have been ones of the studio floor, then some on roads near home, and many others. Most memorable were the ones taken in London in 2009. A few of the former showed up in my print works, but many of the latter emerged in the London Underfoot series. I wonder what this new year will bring?

last day of 2012

December 31, 2012 in Canada and BC, Culture, Films, Home, Other artists





A few scenes from this afternoon’s walk… how I love the dark lines and silhouettes of the trees against bright water and sky. I love those white clouds and patches of blue behind.

As I wrote five years ago:
I feel some sadness in saying goodbye to another year. Changing the annual calendars is such an adrupt marker of the passage of time and of aging, inducing a twinge of melancholy in me. I’ve sometimes wondered if all the partying, drinking and merriment is a way to avoid looking at Father Time in the eye.

As in most years, we celebrate at home quietly. I think this year we’ll open the Christmas gift of Grand Marnier for a toast at midnight. As always, especially at these milestones on the calendar, I’m thankful for the many good things in my life.

Thank you to all of you dear friends and readers for the past year’s delights. I wish you all a New Year of Happiness, Good Health, Inspiration and Abundant Creativity! Hauskaa Uutta Vuotta! Bonne AnnĂ©e! Allen ein frohes Neues Jahr!

Oh, and should you be looking for suitable art to complement your evening, how about art of intoxication?

And, if in Germany, you’d likely be watching “Dinner for One”, a tradition for 50 years. I saw this last year, it is hilarious! Find it on YouTube and enjoy!

Hand with Pine Cone

December 28, 2012 in Digital printmaking, Hands, Printworks


Hand with Pine Cone
archival inkjet print
45.5 x 38.5 cm (18″ x 15.25″)

Another in my new series of prints of hands with objects

scrunched 3

December 26, 2012 in Being an Artist, Culture, Photoworks, Textures




On this rainy Boxing Day afternoon, I am enjoying some quiet time in the middle of the holiday fun. The younger generations are enjoying playing board games while I wander off to play with some of the discarded wrapping papers and chocolate box liners.

These ‘scrunches’ seem to be turning into a series – here’s the first, and the second.

Hope you are enjoying some quiet post-holiday time too. Like me, are you avoiding all the crazy Boxing Day sales? If we’d been more energetic, we should have gone up the mountain for some play in the snow. I’m sure we’ll do it on another day!

Added January 1st, 2013: For Marly (see her comment below). Happy New Year!
