Marja-Leena Rathje
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art in fibre


Left: Kaija Rautianen, "Birch Landscape"
Right: Hanna Haapasalo, "Great Blue Heron"
Both handwoven Jacquard tapestry, photo credit Ken Mayer Studios

An exhibition by two Vancouver-based Finnish fiber artists is opening tomorrow:

"Between the Hand and the Loom"Works by Kaija Rautianen & Hanna Haapasalo
Exhibit: June 1- July 2, 2006
Opening Reception: Thursday, June 1, 2006, 6-8pm
Crafthouse Gallery, 1386 Cartwright St., Granville Island, Vancouver, BC

Artist's Talk: Thursday, June 15, 2006, 7-8pm,
Carousel Theatre, 1411 Cartwright St., Granville Island, Vancouver
Free Admission. Please register at 604-687-6511

"For this exhibition Kaija and Hanna are going to create textiles woven on a computer assisted Jacquard loom. The purpose is to explore and share with the public the possibilities of new technology in hand weaving and to give exposure to cutting edge works in fibre. The pieces will be mostly wall and window hangings with both abstract and realistic imagery drawn from nature.

In Jacquard weaving the image and the structure are locked together and the relationship of the two affects the overall content. The understanding of the structure, materials and the scale is crucial before a visual idea can become art in fibre."

View some examples of Kaija's work here and here. Kaija is a friend and I've seen her wonderful weavings in the past. I highly recommend seeing this exhibition. Unfortunately I won't make it to the opening to greet Kaija and meet Hanna. Best wishes, Kaija and Hanna!

Marja-Leena | 31/05/2006 | 6 comments
themes: Art Exhibitions, Other artists


The work is very attractive, but I must admit to being more fascinated by the process. How I would love to pop over to learn more!

I love bright threadwork. The rich and actual warmth of the fiber. I tried needle-point, but the undilutable brillance of thread-mass was more than I could bear. What to do with a blue that kept returning to the sky and a yellow that I could not dis-attach from a summer day in 1974. The green I could not pull from its shady recumbance.

Omega, I wish you could come! Kaija is very knowledgeable, outgoing and willing to share information, comes from being a teacher as well.

Bill, how well you describe my own love for fibre. If opportunities had been different in my youth I might have become a weaver and fibre artist. Now I'm too hooked on printmaking.

Interesting technique - terribly complicated. I really like the birch trees. You have such interesting friends, you know.

I will never forget seeing in a gallery a fabulous picture of a family group, slightly primitive. I thought it was an oil from a distance. Getting up close I saw it was made with layers of gauzes, nets and stitching; I found it so impressive that such fine detail of expression and tone could be done this way.

Anna, I do feel blessed in knowing many artists - we do have a lot in common :-)

Like you, I find the textures and materials in fibre exciting and beautiful, and I think it's also wonderful that it's transcending "craft" into a real art form.