archival inkjet, collagraph & engraving
81 x 61 cm. (32″ x 23.75″)
This one is a revisit of the ‘character’ in ARKEO #4.
And for those who are asking: “what’s a collagraph?”
January 31, 2011 in Arkeo, Digital printmaking, Printworks by Marja-Leena
I never seen the word “collagraph”. What kind of technique is that?
Did you first make a inkjet copy and on top of that then the other techniques, or what’s the order? I do know that graphic techniques have multiplied since I tried out some of stuff like drypoint or etching in the 60’s. So no wonder I’ve definitely an ignoramus these days.
Hei Ripsa! I didn’t know you have done printmaking in the past. I just added a link above to an old post of mine describing the collagraph, hope it helps. I still get a lot of questions about that, but it does not make you an ignoramus!
Yes, I made the inkjet print first, let it set a few days, then printed the collagraph of the ‘owl-woman’ figure on top.
A patient, flushed with a fever known only in British Columbia, sitting up in bed, feeling sorry for herself. But not too sorry; time enough for her to arrange a frieze of the medals she’s been awarded – and London’s street furniture gets another work-out. What interests me are the patterns on what I take to be the base. They look like designs inscribed on something like wet papier-maché which has subsequently been dried out. But what do I know?
BB, amusing description, I like it! Did you look at the ARKEO #4 link where there was a fascinating discussion of this ‘owl-woman’? By ‘base’, I think you mean the background… it is a photograph of textured and footprinted wet sand. I wish I could make papier-maché look like that.