another moth
Why is my studio a graveyard for moths?
Are they offerings for this artist to commemorate in scans, such as I’ve done before?
September 1, 2013 in Nature, Photoworks by Marja-Leena
Why is my studio a graveyard for moths?
Are they offerings for this artist to commemorate in scans, such as I’ve done before?
September 1, 2013 in Nature, Photoworks by Marja-Leena
© Marja-Leena Rathje 2004-2025
Or maybe the kind of spiritual ambience that I’m sure pervades your studio, is irresistible. Mmmm?
They certainly look at peace in their own bedraggled ways.
I do think you need to do a group called “Miss Havisham’s Moths.” Or maybe, “Miss Havisham’s Jewelry.”
Am back home–still tired–and won’t be off again until Friday. Whew. Life is demanding.
Tom, it would be nice to think it was for such a heavenly reason! The open door to the deck may be a more mundane reason and that the room is at the end of a hall, ie. a dead end for lost winged things.
Marly, “Miss Havisham’s Moths” tickles my fancy! Must find more moths…
Your life is full and exciting, and demanding for sure! What one must do for one’s art, eh. Hope all calms down soon, stay well!
They are very beautiful scans. Moths often remind me of the one that showed up in Carlos Castaneda’s book “Tales of Power”, one who was a helper, herald and bringer of knowledge.
Susan, wow, that’s a remarkable role for a moth! I have not read any of Castaneda’s books – now I am most intrigued.
You would go crazy photographing the insect life around here.
Hattie, I probably would if I could catch them, at least dead ones that are probably quite different and exotic. Have you a scanner or macro lens on your camera? Maybe you’d like to give it a try?! It’s fun.
I think it would be a great name for a show… And it wouldn’t have to be just moths, but your tattered and delicate and lacy pieces would fit as well. Skeins and cobwebs…
Do you think that next time you have your site worked on, you could fix it so that a person (moi) can leave more than one comment at a time? Now it always bars me from being chatty about more than one thing at a time!
Marly, ideas, ideas, sometimes more than I can ever hope to fulfill. Thanks for your encouragement! Good to have though when one hits an artist’s block. (That long ago post inspired more comments than any other I think)
Oh, I didn’t know about that commenting problem – no, that should not be, one must be able to have several conversations going! Will mention it to my s-i-l/technical adviser, poor guy is too busy. There are other problems awaiting fixes as well since the last changes after that supposed malware attack. Sigh, it’s all so complicated.
Must get back to our visitors.