an 8th birthday!
at the old Britannia Shipyard, Steveston, BC
I’m absolutely amazed that Mark Woods is still going strong with his blog Wood s Lot! He continues to produce almost daily posts, each full of very interesting and eclectic links on a wide variety of intelligent subjects from the artistic and literary to philosophical and political, frequently including his own wonderful photos of his home region in Ontario, Canada. Each of these posts would be the equivalent of five to ten of mine!
Wood s Lot was one of my early finds and inspirations when I first began blogging four and a half years ago and continues to be a favourite daily read. Thank you, Mark and Happy 8th Birthday to Wood s Lot!
October 6, 2008 in Blogging, Canada and BC by Marja-Leena
Kävin kurkkaamassa. Oli kyllä hirmu hieno blogi! Ja tosiaan.. aiempaan kysymykseen: Tämä fontti on kiva, mutta silmät väsyy yli viiden rivin pätkissä.
Kiitos vain! Yritä suurentaa tekstiä, se auttaa!