a little ennui




May I blame our cold, wet late spring for a little blog and personal ennui? I have many things I’ve wished to write but haven’t felt the energy. The recent sunnier days have given me incentive to get outdoors to make a tiny dent into the always daunting list of spring garden jobs but to the neglect of this blog. Photos are a copout in those times so here are a few shots taken over a week ago, on a cloudy but dry day. It feels good to add some colour to these pages. The pale pink is the first of my several camellia shrubs to bloom, usually in January, but this year about two months late and now leaving a carpet beneath. Then comes the white (also finishing), the medium pink is opening, and last is the red, yet to come.

Well, sunshine beckons me outdoors, I need some colour on my cheeks too! I hope for an easing of the cold winds coming off the snow topped mountains which have been continuing to get more snow and even reopened for spring skiing. It is the week leading up to Easter, also late this year. May yours be sunny, warm and bright.

April 18, 2011 in Canada and BC, Home by Marja-Leena